{ Internal Communication Activities

Internal Communication Activities

We create candid settings where employees and leaders can meet, and we take care to tailor our communications transparently and in a way that makes our employees feel like we will be on their side no matter what.

Examples from our corporate communication activities:

“FACE-TO-FACE” is a structured feedback environment where we come together to understand each other better and strengthen team work. With this program, at the core of which lies giving & receiving feedback and telling your story & listening to others, we contribute value to the communications, business approach, and processes of all departments that work in cooperation. Therefore, we improve our business practices and become a stronger team.

Chat with CEO:
At our company, we hold regular meetings where all employees meet together with our CEO. During these meetings, recent issues are discussed and all employee questions are answered in a transparent manner.

Agenda Magazine:
We have a quarterly corporate communciations publication that we share with our employees and stakeholders both in an e-book and printed format. Aside from sharing news from our employees, we also use this publication to cover significant developments that shape the industry.

Other Communication Tools That We Use:
At our company, we actively use presentations, communication and announcement boards, TV broadcasts etc. to share information and news with our employees instantly and in a transparent manner. We hold biannual communication meetings with the participation of company executives.