{ Fringe Benefits and Our Compensation Policy

Fringe Benefits and Our Compensation Policy

The compensation policy of our company is predicated on a strategy that “supports fairness and market competitiveness within the company”. We have an in-house job evaluation system  – for all of our employees – created and managed by drawing on methodologies that represent international know-how and proven reliability.

With a view to acquiring the human capital that will empower our company to achieve its goals, we compare all of our parameters with respect to compensation and fringe benefits. To this end, we monitor data related to the Chemical Sector, which we are a part of, and we update our systems accordingly. In that regard, the following are some of the fringe benefits currently provided by our company:

  • Private Health Insurance covering the employees and their families
  • Optional Private Pension System
  • Various performance-based bonus systems for all of our employees
  • Position-based equipment such as vehicles, smartphones, tablets etc.
  • Social support in cash for all positions”