{ Our Information Security Policy

Our Information Security Policy

Our Information Security Policy

For Akkim, a company which develops innovative products and services, creates value for industry and its stakeholders and adopts the mission of being a dynamic solution partner, information is one of the most valuable assets.

We are aware that information security is the responsibility of all our employees and that both our company and our stakeholders can suffer significant losses if the information is lost intentionally or unintentionally or is used improperly. With this awareness, we protect the confidentiality, integrity and accessibility of our company and our stakeholders with a sustainable understanding.

With this understanding;

  • We establish authority, roles and responsibilities for the establishment and execution of the Information Security Management System and periodically review these authorities, roles and responsibilities.
  • We define, classify our information assets and identify the risks that threaten them, develop and apply the necessary methods to manage these risks.
  • We follow the relevant legislation and updates in the legislation, and take necessary measures to ensure its implementation and prevent possible violations.
  • With the fact that the most important factor in ensuring information security is human, we organize trainings to increase awareness of our employees and other stakeholders when necessary, on information security and follow up their results.
  • We prepare and test the business continuity plans so that we will not interrupt our responsibilities to our business and stakeholders in the face of any negativity.
  • We prepares procedures and instructions to help control our Information Security Management System in accordance with standards and regularly measure, inspect and review its effectiveness with the philosophy of continuous improvement.

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