Occupational Health and Safety Policy
Dedicated to the mission of “We add value to life with chemistry.” Akkim Kimya Sanayi ve Tic. A.Ş. together with its people, care and intend to preserve a healthy and safe working environment for all. For this:
- We determine, evaluate the risks and take precautions to minimize unfavourable consequences in order to prevent injuries and health impairments during activities and operations at the workplace.
- We monitor occupational health and safety management, performance and effectiveness, set goals, implement them and continuously improve them.
- We are committed to comply with all legal terms regarding occupational health and safety that concern the organization as well as the conditions set forth by the societies we are a member of.
- We document, carry out and provide sustainability of the OHS Management System established by us for open access to our people.
- For activities and improvements regarding the OHS, we consult with our people led by the selected representatives amongst them, and we encourage voluntary participation.
- As Akkim Kimya Senior Management, we lead for full implementation of the OHS management system and offer a commitment to integrate the OHS management system requirements with the business processes of the organization.
- We announce the Akkim OHS Policy and keep it open to and accessible for public and interested parties in order to expand the OHS culture and raise awareness of responsibility.
Click to view our certificate.